Saturday, November 30, 2019
Religions Spread Through Conquest Essays (2421 words) - Culture
Religions Spread Through Conquest Religions Spread Through Conquest- When studying history, both in a professional and academic sense, we try to make connections between civilizations and time periods. Historians have attempted to discover universal constants of human nature, a bond that forms from continent to continent, human being to human being. Is there a constant quality that all peoples posses, and is reflected in all civilizations? Indeed, it is extremely difficult to make generalizations about centuries of modern history. To say that something is true of all of history is virtually impossible, as a counter-example exists for just about anything that can be said of any group of civilizations. To say that all religions are spread by violence is equally unfair and untrue - because contrasted religions has been spread in exceedingly diverse regions of the world, by vastly different cultures. Islam, as a prime example, has been characterized inequitably by historians and the media as a religion of violence. To put it bluntly, as this article does, Islam was mainly spread through Arab territorial conquests (Sudo, 4). However, upon examination, it is not fair to make the generalization that Islam is a religion of violence, and one notices when looking at world religion on a whole, one finds that Islam was no more violent than any other religion. In fact, not only is Islam not a fundamentally violent philosophy, but we can also see that many other religions normally considered non-violent, such as Christianity or Hinduism, have been spread through bloody conquest. Thus, in searching for a universal constant of history, we ought not fall into the fallacy of abstractions, as Sydney J. Harris keenly puts it, and assume that because of isolated incidents and conflicts of territorial ambitions, that all religions have violent tendencies. Islam has, throughout the centuries, been somewhat a victim of circumstance - indeed it has been perceived by many as oppressive and cruel. This belief originated over a thousand years ago, when Islamic peoples first threatened the western world. As they slowly undermined Byzantine authority, Christians became terrified of their presence, resulting in widespread animosity and aversion. Hindus and Buddhists of the South Asian subcontinent lived under Islamic law for hundreds of years (Ahmad, et. al., 186), and eventually, in the twentieth century, split the region into angry factions (Ahmad, et. al., 207). Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, was a great warrior. This invariably lead defeated peoples to believe that he begot a cult of war and violence. Over the centuries, it also has developed the ability to instill a sense of holy purpose onto its believers and soldiers, where they go into a battle of certain death for their faith in the jihad, or holy war. Even today, the jihad is still a potent source of conflict and aversion, as the many of the problems in the Middle East center around the issue of Islamic Fundamentalism and the jihads. Originally, Islam was perceived by western historians as a religion of violence and conquest; by preying on the caravans of the Quraish, [Mohammed] weakened them to the point of submission (Mohammed and Islam, 1). In fact, Mohammed was a warrior, aristocrat, and brilliant strategist - a stark contrast to many other holy men of history. He was forced to both defend his cities and force submission, as the passage had shown, because of the strong military powers of his religious predecessors and oppressors, the pagans of the Middle East. Islam means submission according to the Islam discussion in class - and one might assume that the submission was attained through military and forceful means. In fact, while Mohammed preached peace from 610 to 622 AD, he attracted few converts and was persecuted by the current ruling paganistic regime. After the visions of 622 AD, he realized that his cause was even more urgent than before, and only at that point did he begin to utilize his military skills (Class Discussion). However, despite the more violent nature that his quest took, even after the revelations by Gabriel in 622 AD, by reciting his revelations aloud, Mohammed made many converts, (Mohammed and Islam,1). Mohammed was not a purely violent man, but also a great speaker and demagogue (Mueller,
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Quality Management Five Components of Service Management
Quality Management Five Components of Service Management Service management is usually defined as the point in a supply chain that connects sales and customers, but in recent years the concept has morphed from a fairly narrow aspect of overall management and strategy to a broad management orientation that addresses all facets of an enterprise, particularly in service industries. Beginning in the early 1980’s, Christian Grà ¶nroos of the Hanken School of Economics in Finland started developing a â€Å"framework of values†for service management, a set of principles which, if integrating correctly into the company’s strategy and operations, leads to good service delivery. There are five parts to the framework of values for service management: An overall management perspective This requires a shift in the broad priorities of the firm from an internal focus on process efficiencies, economies of scale, and cost management to an external focus on customers’ perspectives on core product quality and total firm performance. Grà ¶nroos’ entire thesis is that the classical scientific management handed down to us by the likes of Adam Smith emphasizes division of labor, which can and often does result in separate parts of the enterprise working at cross-purposes. The service management perspective, by comparison, establishes customer service as the overall goal throughout the organization so that even if the efficiencies of the division of labor are employed, they are necessarily done so in the context of their impact on the broader objective. At first blush, this particular part of the framework might sound like a vague motherhood statement, but it is actually important because it establishes the basis for the other parts of the framework of value s. Customer- or market-driven performance measures The big difference between a ‘service management’ orientation and the best practices suggested by classical scientific management is that performance measurement must have an external perspective, rather than being based on goals related to internal efficiencies. Well-known performance management and planning tools such as CSFs and KPIs still work very well from a service management perspective, but only if the success factors and performance indicators down to the level of the individual employee are expressed in terms of what each segment or position in the organization contributes to customer service. In essence, every role within the organization in some way becomes a customer service position. You can also be interested in: Management or Leadership? Stock Markets and Seasonal Effects in Them Management and Exchange Rates Management Essay Quality management is not segregated from ‘normal’ management functions This part of the framework is perhaps more applicable to manufacturing or other production firms where a distinct quality control process is required, but otherwise, the concept of integrating quality control functions into normal workflow simply reinforces the perspective of the first two parts of the framework. This aspect of the service management perspective is also perhaps more familiar than most; we see it in practice quite often through ideas such as Total Quality Management. The biggest change it requires from the organization lies in operational planning, because quality control functions – where distinct procedures are required – must be broken down and smoothly fit into a unified, overall process. Internal development of personnel This concept has become almost canonical in human resources management and relates to service management in two critical ways. First, it is the primary means by which customer service perspectives and goals can be properly spread throughout the entire organization, and is a key link in the service-profit value chain (discussed in greater detail in another article). Higher levels of employee experience, skill, and satisfaction lead to greater efficiency and employee loyalty, which positively affect service quality in a number of ways. Second, it is virtually impossible to effectively implement quality management functions as described above into an enterprise-wide process without using internal human resources; the best people for the job in any organization are the ones the organization already has. Just as with quality management, personnel development requires the integration of HRM functions that are usually treated separately into mainstream processes, at least at the planning level. Flat organizational design The service management framework emphasizes cross-functional abilities, internal collaboration, and lateral communication, and as a result, tends to discredit the effectiveness of hierarchical organizations for achieving customer service quality. This presents a significant management challenge in organizations where the scientific management perspective of specialization and division of labor is an unavoidable necessity, such as in businesses where core functions require highly skilled workers who have intensive specialized training. Cross-functional training at an airline, for example, can only go so far; it would be ridiculous to consider putting ticket counter personnel behind the controls of a jet airliner just â€Å"to get a feel for what others’ job roles are like†. But on the other hand, there is little to prevent a highly-skilled airline pilot from spending a few days behind the counter to experience a different side of customer service. Some criticisms of the service management framework of values One implication of the service management perspective is that it greatly increases the complexity of planning and strategy in an organization; many of the boundaries between different departments or functions disappear entirely, and everything initiative from the level of individual employees upward must be complementary. This is the underlying reason why the framework has never been modeled in any great deal; an effective model would require consideration of a very large number of variables, and might be too unwieldy to be useful. And without a model, the framework is just another qualitative concept that does not give much direction for practical application. Another reason the framework has not received as much academic or practical attention as it deserves is somewhat unfair; Professor Grà ¶nroos’ discipline is marketing, not management, and in his various writings, he tends to stay in his comfort zone when seeks examples to illustrate the points he is making. Management scholars seem to have a bias that relegates marketing to a niche within the broad realm of business studies, and so have possibly overlooked the greater application of the ideas developed by â€Å"a marketing teacher.†Which, if nothing else, is a good reminder for business students not to impose limits on their explorations of knowledge – just as the framework of values suggests, one’s own effectiveness can be greatly increased by cross-training. Read more about service management: Grà ¶nroos, C. (1994). From Scientific Management to Service Management. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 1(5).
Friday, November 22, 2019
Match and Water in a Glass Science Magic Trick
Match and Water in a Glass Science Magic Trick This is a simple and interesting science magic trick involving fire and water. All you need is water, a glass, a plate, and a couple of matches. Pour water into a plate, light a match in the center of the dish and cover it with a glass. The water will be drawn into the glass. Match and Water Trick Materials PlateWater2 wooden matchesA quarter or other large coinColored waterNarrow glass How to Perform the Trick Pour water into the plate. I colored the water with food coloring to make it easier to see.Bend one of the matches so that you can set it in the water. Secure the match so that it is upright by setting a quarter or other small heavy object on the end of the matchstick.Use the second match to light the match that you placed on the plate.Immediately invert a glass over the burning match.The water will flow into the glass and will remain in the glass even after the match has been extinguished. How It Works The heat of the flame imparts energy to the gas trapped under the glass, raising its pressure and pushing against the water. When the flame is extinguished the air cools. Less pressure is exerted against the water, allowing it to flow into the glass.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Water Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Water Pollution - Essay Example Over time the stream dried and it became a seasonal flowing river. The livestock waste was streamed into the Fork West making it extremely polluted making the vertebrates in the river to perish which in turn led to a decrease in fish population in the stream. This animal waste also led to algal bloom which worsens the conditions of waters in this river which later leads to death of fish due to lack of oxygen. The pesticides and insecticides used in the farms gets its way into the waters of river West Fork polluting its waters. The poor sewerage systems along the river make the river polluted and unhygienic therefore the water is not suitable for domestic use. As the towns grew and expanded this made pollution of this stream more severe and deadly to the life of the river. The sewage water was channeled to the stream with no concern of its effects. This made pollution more terrible to the marine life in the river at that point in time. The users of the river at the downstream were not taken into consideration. The situation of the stream became worse when the domestic waste came into contact with waste from the industries. This destroyed the natural environment which was a catchment area for this river and a source of living to many downstream. The clearing of the natural vegetation led to rapid surface runoff which further led to formation of ditches which never had the capacity of carrying the flow which was on increase. The development of ditches and trenches led to the destruction of water catchment areas which were formally of a quality nature. This pollution led to degradation of the water of this stream and lives of the people who live downstream .The people down the stream use the river both for domestic use and other farming activities. The water could therefore have negative effects on their health since it may lead to contamination of water and food. These conditions of the stream
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
European Convention on Human Rights Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
European Convention on Human Rights - Case Study Example The CPR provides under Part 35.3 that: "(1) It is the duty of an expert to help the court on the matters within his expertise. (2) This duty overrides any obligation to the person from whom he has received instructions or by whom he is paid." Moreover, Part 35.4 of the CPR likewise provides that: "(1) No party may call an expert or put in evidence an expert's report without the court's permission. (2) When a party applies for permission under this rule he must identify - (a) the field in which he wishes to rely on expert evidence, and (b) where practicable the expert in that field on whose evidence he wishes to rely. (3) If permission is granted under this rule it shall be in relation only to the expert named or the field identified under paragraph (2). (4) The court may limit the number of the expert's fees and expenses that the party who wishes to rely on the expert may recover from any other party." Hence, it is settled that under the CPR, the experts have an overriding duty to th e court and that the court has the power to restrict expert evidence. Clearly, these provisions in the CPR is geared towards the objective of satisfying Article 6 ECHR affording a party to a dispute a right to a fair trial by having his case heard before an independent and impartial tribunal that has the power to control and restrict expert evidence. The Act, on the other hand, has several provisions ensuring that a party to an arbitration proceeding is afforded his right to a fair trial as a guaranteed in Article 6 ECHR. Section 1 provides: "1. The provisions of this Part are founded on the following principles, and shall be construed accordingly-- (a) the object of arbitration is to obtain the fair resolution of disputes by an impartial tribunal without unnecessary delay or expense; (b) the parties should be free to agree how their disputes are resolved, subject only to such safeguards as are necessary for the public interest; (c) in matters governed by this Part the court should not intervene except as provided by this Part." All the provisions in the Act must be read with these words in mind. The concepts of fairness, impartiality and the avoidance of unnecessary delay or expense are not new. The importance is the emphasis given to them at the start of this overhaul of arbitration--they are the lodestone for the parties and t he arbitrator when deciding appropriate procedure in the arbitration. Next is a strong statement of party control, subject to public interest safeguards. Finally, a provision that the State will not frustrate the parties' arbitration agreement. On the contrary, it will support it by punishing a defaulting party if that becomes necessary.Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Troubleshooting Evco Insurance Network Essay Example for Free
Troubleshooting Evco Insurance Network Essay The network manager himself not keeping track of the growth of the network , coupled with the return of an unspecified number of computers from storage back into the network, are conditions that would encourage the network congestion currently experienced by Evco Insurance. This is further confirmed by the fact that the worst network congestion occurs where the network has experienced the most expansion in the last six months: the Marketing department. Several causes come to mind, with the presentation of the scenario for Evco Insurance.            The first cause that comes to mind is in regards to the computers pulled out of storage. It is possible that since the computers were pulled out of storage, the configuration of the TCP/IP settings may have conflicted with newer additions to the network. This would affect the computers within the marketing department, since these particular computers were deployed there, and any other computers that share the same settings. This would explain the some of the causes of the network congestion and the solution would be to correct or reconfigure the settings on the affected computers. This is a basic error, however, and would mostly affect only the individual computers that have conflicting settings and would not be the most probable cause, though it may contribute to the congestion.            Related to the first possible cause is the possibility that there are hardware errors that were unchecked when the computers were assigned to the new marketing personnel. A particular concern is the network cards of those computers taken from storage. One such error causes the network card to continuously transmit junk data into the network, flooding the network with unnecessary data and slowing down connectivity; in which case even just one such computer can cause the whole network to slow down. Actual settings of network adapters and switch ports may also have conflicting settings. Both these hardware /settings errors can contribute to the network slowdown in the Marketing department, and both can be located using a combination of actually checking each computer and checking how far along the network a command or ping can travel.            Another possibility, but not the last possible cause, is the actual physical cable connections of the Network. A 100BASE-TX can have up to 100 meters of twisted copper cable per segment length, which must be rated at least category 5. While it is possible that the network itself has been poorly maintained, and that individual cables within the physical network are causing the error, it may be more likely that there are problems or errors in the physical connections recently added to the network, since the problem of slow connectivity was experienced after the addition to the network. Ranging from poorly-maintained cables, using the wrong category of cables, or even the correct type of cable connected or the incorrect crimping of the cable can lead to network slowdown.            Any of these three, or perhaps none of them, could be the cause for the network slowdown experienced in the Marketing department of Evco Insurance. There could be other reasons for the problem, though these are the three possible causes that immediately came to my mind.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hitler and the Aestheticization of Politics Essay -- propaganda, nazism
Introduction One of the reasons behind the success of the Nazi Party in taking over Germany is on its extensive use of propaganda. Adolf Hitler, known for his penchant for populism, rendered the strong impact of images, films and other materials attributed to Nazism as essential for the political success of the Nazi Party and its agenda for Germany. As an authoritarian leader, Hitler saw the importance of extracting the patronage of the Germans not through forceful means, but through convincing and motivating measures that enticed their mental faculties. To make such a vision possible, Hitler commissioned the talents of filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl – one of the most brilliant at the time, to create a movie that promoted Nazism not necessarily in a critical manner, but more on cultivating their blind adherence towards the Nazi Party. The result, Triumph of the Will, is a documentary film masterpiece that presented the magnanimity of the Nazi Party in a grandiose manner, complete with rich ae sthetics enhanced with the latest film technology at the time. While Triumph of the Will has garnered strong acclaim as a magnum opus of its period, critics have assailed it for aggrandizing Nazi politics and its presumed ability to arouse sympathy towards Nazism. Thus, the assertion made by Walter Benjamin on the â€Å"aestheticization of politics†under German fascism has stood as an important premise to clarify and consider in understanding the significance of Triumph of the Will (Benjamin 217-252; Riefenstahl). The â€Å"Aestheticization of Politics†under German Fascism Benjamin noted one of the most notable characteristics of the Nazi regime – that of the â€Å"aestheticization of politics†under German fascism. In the simplest sense, Benjamin underlined... ...m that the aesthetic techniques used in Triumph of the Will is exclusive to Nazism, as those may also apply to represent other ideologies subject to changes in the stimuli of people and breakthroughs in media technology. After all, what made Triumph of the Will distinctly Nazi in nature is the fact that it used multifaceted Nazi propaganda; the aesthetic techniques used therein – set apart from the propaganda, could also apply to other ideologies. Works Cited Benjamin, Walter. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Production." Illuminations. Ed. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken, 1969. 217-252. Print. Spielvogel, Jackson. Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History. 6th ed. United Kingdom: Pearson, 2009. Print. Triumph of the Will. Dir. Leni Riefenstahl. Perf. Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Victor Lutze, various Nazi leaders. Universum Film AG, 1935. DVD.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Inrtoductiontolegal Research-Unit7.Doc
Unit Seven Assignment John Mathis Kaplan University Professor Scripps April 16, 2013 Unit Seven Assignment John Mathis – Paralegal April 16, 2013 Mike Jones Town Manager Dear Mr. Jones, Regarding your town’s concern that the drinking water may contain too high of lead levels, please be advised that the federal law designed to make sure drinking water is safe is the Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) which enabled the Environmental Protection Agency to establish drinking water standards. The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) for Lead and Copper, 40 CFR  §141 and 40 CFR  §142 which regulates lead in drinking water.The main parts of this regulation are Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) as well as Maximum Contaminant Level Goals (MCLGs). A PDF file of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) for Lead and Copper, 40 CFR  §141 and 40 CFR  §142 may been downloaded or viewed at: http://www. gpo. gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2013-02-13/pdf/2012-31205. pd f Today, the majority of the nation’s water systems comply with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) for Lead and Copper. The majority of systems that do not are small town systems in rural areas.The regulations are enforceable standards for public water systems. According to the E. P. A. public water systems â€Å"provide water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances to at least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year. †Therefore, NPDWR applies to your towns water system serving a population of approximately 20,000. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, John Mathis – Paralegal
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Labor-Leisure Model in the Everyday Life
Labor-Leisure Model in the Everyday Life I like many other college students am not currently seeking work in the labor force. As a student athlete playing golf I am constantly juggling my time between my studies as a senior Economics major, and maximizing my golfing potential and chasing my ultimate dream of becoming a professional golfer. Throughout this paper I will explain how I maximize my utility in different circumstances using the labor-leisure model.As I am not actively looking for work in the labor market my indifference curve is so steep there are no tangencies to my reservation wage, which is defined as the â€Å"lowest wage rate at which a worker is willing to accept a job. †By dedicating all my time to studying and practise, and none to the labor force my indifference curve has no tangency to my constraint. As a rational person who wants to maximize utility; the current wage rate is not high enough for me to substitute work for things I prefer to do in my free ti me, such as playing golf or studying for a test.I am fortunate enough that my parents have the opportunity to help me financially during my time at college, so I have a source of â€Å"unearned income†that I receive for working zero hours in the labor market. This â€Å"unearned income†is shown by the spike in figure 1 below. As mentioned above because of my high regard for leisure and the modest wages I am offered as a student with some college experience; my indifference curve has no tangencies to my constraint. Figure 1 depicts where utility is maximized at point A.As a utility maximizer it suits my personal preferences to accept the unearned income given to me by my parents and consume more leisure time. â€Å"Point [A] represents the highest utility that can be reached by [myself], given the budget constraint. †The labor-leisure model makes the assumption that leisure is a desirable product, which in my case it is. Furthermore, substituting three or four hours in the labor force for more hours of leisure time is an easy decision for a utility maximizer to make. The government faces similar problems with modern day welfare.Because of the modest wages offered to unskilled workers, and size of recent welfare packages many people maximize utility by removing themselves from the labor force, and accept benefits offered by the government whilst consuming more leisure time. As mentioned above, during school I am constantly dividing my time between practising for golf, and studying my current classes. Using the Production Possibilities frontier (shown in Figure 2 below) I can graphically show the choices I make in a variety of scenarios as a utility maximizer.Like most economic models it is a simplification of reality that represents â€Å"economic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical quantitative relationships between them. †To maintain the simplicity of the model I am assuming my average day consists of 16 hours, of which I divide my time between either practising golf or studying. I rarely dedicate all my waking hours to specifically golf or studying, but for the consistency of this model that assumption will be made.Figure 2 shows my personal production possibilities frontier, which â€Å"shows the alternative outputs of [golf practise] and [studying] that can be produced†by myself in any given day. â€Å"The production possibility curve clearly exhibits the notion of technical efficiency. †Any point inside the curve is considered inefficient, and any point outside the curve is unachievable. The production possibility frontier clearly shows that depending on how I allocate my time directly affects my productivity in both areas.For example, if I dedicate a disproportionate amount of time to studying my golf performance will decline as my grades increase, and vice-versa. As shown in Figure 2 there are many different combinations of golf practise and studying. Maximizing utili ty in this model is my selection of the most appropriate combination of studying and golf practise for the circumstances of that day. One of the biggest advantages of playing an individual sport is having the ability to design a schedule that suits my day to day activity.Points A, B, C, D and E all represent possible utility maximizing schedules on my production possibilities frontier. There are many factors that could affect my everyday schedule. For example, If I have a particularly important tournament coming up I may find it utility maximizing to substitute some hours studying for some hours practising at the golf course. This schedule would make my indifference curve steeper than usual, like the indifference curve U4 in figure 2. My grades may suffer at this schedule; however, performing well in tournaments also just as important so the schedule is still utility maximizing.I will maximize utility at a completely different point on my production possibilities frontier during fin als week. I will be more likely to substitute hours practising golf for time studying during finals week. As time spent studying becomes more valuable my indifference curve will become much flatter than on an ordinary day, like the indifference curve U2 in figure 2. As mentioned above, there are obvious flaws to this production possibilities frontier. However, an economic model is a simplification of reality that represents â€Å"economic processes by a set of variables and a set of logical quantitative relationships between them. I have never spent an entire day where I dedicated all my waking hours to either studying or practising golf. So despite point F on figure 2 not statistically being utility maximizing it is where I normally operate. Normal daily activities like eating, talking with friends and other general errands are not considered in this model. The shaded area in figure 2 represents time I spend doing activities that are unaccounted for by golf practise and studying. I plan to graduate in May 2013 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Economics.My degree is a sign to potential employers that I have been trained in the field of economics. According to the â€Å"Investment model of education†I will move from a male with â€Å"some college†experience to a male â€Å"college graduate. †The investment model of education suggests that college graduates are more likely to receive additional training in their early years of employment; resulting in higher wages. The potential for a higher wage could have a notable affect on my post-college labor-leisure model. The higher wage creates a steeper constraint, as seen below in Figure 3.Figure 3: Post-College Labor-Leisure Model If offered a wage high enough, the new constraint could become steep enough to where my indifference curve would have a point of tangency with my reservation wage, as seen above. As a result of the additional training I have received (a college education) my co nstraint has moved from the line AD to line AE. The severe increase in wage has increased my cost of consuming leisure considerably. My utility is now maximized by joining the labor force, as seen in the move from U1 to U2 on figure 3.The radical change to my labor-leisure model has not taken place without a huge substitution and income effect. The new wage greatly increased my costs of consuming leisure, so much so I substituted some hours of leisure for hours of work. This is known as the substitution effect, and can be seen graphically between points B and C. An income effect is also present. After graduation my parents will not continue to hand me money for nothing in return, so the unearned income at point F is no longer achievable.This decrease in income reduces my purchasing power of leisure and will increase my demand for labor hours. This income effect is shown graphically between points A and B. The total effect can be seen graphically between points A and C. The substitut ion and income effect usually move an individual’s preferences in opposite directions, but because I was choosing to work zero hours the presence of either effect could only increase my demand for work. In conclusion, I can portray how I make everyday decisions using the labor-leisure model and production possibilities frontier frameworks.As with most economic models, it drastically simplifies reality. The simplification however is necessary, due to the complex nature of economic variables; simplicity aids clarity. For an economic model to be successful two appropriate variables must be chosen. In my personal instance the relationship between practising golf and studying for classes are directly related. By simplifying and selecting applicable variables complex economic information can be expressed logically, as shown above. Works Cited EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor The Current Downturn: Labor-leisure Tradeoff or Technological Regress. †EconoMonitor : EconoMonitor A » The Current Downturn: Labor-leisure Tradeoff or Technological Regress. Web. 01 November 2012. . Heckman, James. JSTOR. Web. 05 November 2012. . Ehrenberg, Ronald G. , and Robert Stewart. Smith. Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1987. Print. â€Å"Labor Supply. †Labor Supply. Web. 06 November 2012. . Nicholson, Walter. Intermediate Microeconomics: And Its Application. Houghton, Harcourt, 2000. Print.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Superconductor Definition, Types, and Uses
Superconductor Definition, Types, and Uses A superconductor is an element or metallic alloy which, when cooled below a certain threshold temperature, the material dramatically loses all electrical resistance. In principle, superconductors can allow electrical current to flow without any energy loss (although, in practice, an ideal superconductor is very hard to produce). This type of current is called a supercurrent. The threshold temperature below which a material transitions into a superconductor state is designated as Tc, which stands for critical temperature. Not all materials turn into superconductors, and the materials that do each have their own value of Tc. Types of Superconductors Type I superconductors act as conductors at room temperature, but when cooled below Tc, the molecular motion within the material reduces enough that the flow of current can move unimpeded.Type 2 superconductors are not particularly good conductors at room temperature, the transition to a superconductor state is more gradual than Type 1 superconductors. The mechanism and physical basis for this change in state is not, at present, fully understood. Type 2 superconductors are typically metallic compounds and alloys. Discovery of the Superconductor Superconductivity was first discovered in 1911 when mercury was cooled to approximately 4 degrees Kelvin by Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, which earned him the 1913 Nobel Prize in physics. In the years since, this field has greatly expanded and many other forms of superconductors have been discovered, including Type 2 superconductors in the 1930s. The basic theory of superconductivity, BCS Theory, earned the scientists- John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and John Schrieffer- the 1972 Nobel Prize in physics. A portion of the 1973 Nobel Prize in physics went to Brian Josephson, also for work with superconductivity. In January 1986, Karl Muller and Johannes Bednorz made a discovery that revolutionized how scientists thought of superconductors. Prior to this point, the understanding was that superconductivity manifested only when cooled to near absolute zero, but using an oxide of barium, lanthanum, and copper, they found that it became a superconductor at approximately 40 degrees Kelvin. This initiated a race to discover materials that functioned as superconductors at much higher temperatures. In the decades since, the highest temperatures that had been reached were about 133 degrees Kelvin (though you could get up to 164 degrees Kelvin if you applied a high pressure). In August 2015, a paper published in the journal Nature reported the discovery of superconductivity at a temperature of 203 degrees Kelvin when under high pressure. Applications of Superconductors Superconductors are used in a variety of applications, but most notably within the structure of the Large Hadron Collider. The tunnels that contain the beams of charged particles are surrounded by tubes containing powerful superconductors. The supercurrents that flow through the superconductors generate an intense magnetic field, through electromagnetic induction, that can be used to accelerate and direct the team as desired. In addition, superconductors exhibit the Meissner effect in which they cancel all magnetic flux inside the material, becoming perfectly diamagnetic (discovered in 1933). In this case, the magnetic field lines actually travel around the cooled superconductor. It is this property of superconductors which is frequently used in magnetic levitation experiments, such as the quantum locking seen in quantum levitation. In other words, if Back to the Future style hoverboards ever become a reality. In a less mundane application, superconductors play a role in modern advancements in magnetic levitation trains, which provide a powerful possibility for high-speed public transport that is based on electricity (which can be generated using renewable energy) in contrast to non-renewable current options like airplanes, cars, and coal-powered trains. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President
Biography of Jefferson Davis, Confederate President Jefferson Davis (born Jefferson Finis Davis; June 3, 1808–December 6, 1889) was a prominent American soldier, secretary of war, and political figure who became the president of the Confederate States of America, a nation formed in rebellion to the United States. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was viewed by some as a plausible future president of the United States. Fast Facts: Jefferson Davis Known For: Davis was the president of the Confederate States of America.Also Known As: Jefferson Finis DavisBorn: June 3, 1808 in Todd County, KentuckyParents: Samuel Emory Davis and Jane DavisDied: December 6, 1889 in New Orleans, LouisianaEducation: Transylvania University, U.S. Military Academy at West PointPublished Works: The Rise and Fall of the Confederate GovernmentSpouses: Sarah Knox Taylor, Varina HowellChildren: 6Notable Quote: Are we, in this age of civilization and political progress†¦to roll back the whole current of human thought, and again return to the mere brute force which prevails between beasts of prey, as the only method of settling questions between men? Early Life and Education Jefferson Davis grew up in Mississippi and was educated at Transylvania University in Kentucky for three years. He then entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, graduated in 1828, and received a commission as an officer in the U.S. Army. Early Career and Family Life Davis served as an infantry officer for seven years. After resigning his military commission in 1835, Davis married Sarah Knox Taylor, the daughter of Zachary Taylor, the future president and Army colonel. Taylor strongly disapproved of the marriage. The newlyweds moved to Mississippi, where Sarah contracted malaria and died within three months. Davis himself contracted malaria and recovered, but he often suffered lingering effects from the disease. Over time, Davis repaired his relationship with Zachary Taylor and he became one of Taylors most trusted advisers during his presidency. Davis married Varina Howell in 1845. They remained married for the rest of his life and had six children, three of whom lived to adulthood. Cotton Plantation and Start in Politics From 1835 to 1845, Davis became a successful cotton planter, farming on a plantation called Brierfield, which had been given to him by his brother. He also began buying slaves in the mid-1830s. According to the federal census of 1840, he owned 39 slaves. In the late 1830s, Davis took a trip to Washington, D.C. and apparently met President Martin Van Buren. His interest in politics developed, and in 1845 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat. The Mexican War and Political Rise With the beginning of the Mexican War in 1846, Davis resigned from Congress and formed a volunteer company of infantrymen. His unit fought in Mexico, under General Zachary Taylor, and Davis was wounded. He returned to Mississippi and received a heros welcome. Davis was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1847 and obtained a powerful position on the Military Affairs Committee. In 1853, Davis was appointed secretary of war in the cabinet of President Franklin Pierce. It was probably his favorite job, and Davis took to it energetically, helping to bring important reforms to the military. His interest in science inspired him to import camels for use by the U.S. Cavalry. Secession In the late 1850s, as the nation was splitting over the issue of slavery, Davis returned to the U.S. Senate. He cautioned other southerners about secession, but when slave states started leaving the Union, he resigned from the Senate. On January 21, 1861, in the waning days of the administration of James Buchanan, Davis gave a dramatic farewell speech in the Senate and pleaded for peace. President of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis was the only president of the Confederate States of America. He held the office from 1861 until the collapse of the Confederacy at the end of the Civil War, in the spring of 1865. Davis never campaigned for the presidency of the Confederacy in the sense that politicians in the United States campaign. He was essentially selected to serve and he claimed not to be seeking the position. He began his term with widespread support within the states in rebellion. Opposition As the Civil War continued, Davis critics within the Confederacy increased. Before secession, Davis had consistently been a forceful and eloquent advocate for states rights. Ironically, he became inclined to impose the rule of a strong central government as he tried to manage the Confederate government. Strong states rights advocates within the Confederacy came to oppose him. Besides his choice of Robert E. Lee as commander of the Army of Northern Virginia, Davis is mostly deemed a weak leader by historians. Davis was seen as prickly, a poor delegator, overly involved in details, wrongly attached to defending Richmond, Virginia, and guilty of cronyism. Most historians agree that he was far less effective as a leader during wartime than his counterpart, President Abraham Lincoln. After the War Following the Civil War, many in the federal government and the public believed Davis to be a traitor responsible for years of bloodshed and the deaths of many thousands. There was a strong suspicion that Davis had been involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some accused him of having ordered Lincolns murder. After Davis was apprehended by Union cavalry while trying to escape and perhaps keep the rebellion going, he was locked up in a military prison for two years. For a time he was kept in chains, and his health suffered from his rough treatment. The federal government eventually decided not to prosecute Davis and he returned to Mississippi. He was financially ruined, since he had lost his plantation (and, like many other large landholders in the south, his slaves). Later Years and Death Thanks to a wealthy benefactor, David was able to live comfortably on an estate, where he wrote a book about the Confederacy, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. In his final years, in the 1880s, he was often visited by admirers. Davis died on December 6, 1889. A large funeral was held for him in New Orleans and he was buried in the city. His body was eventually moved to a large tomb in Richmond, Virginia. Legacy Davis, in the decades before the Civil War, served admirably in a number of positions within the federal government. Before becoming a leader of the slave states in rebellion, he was viewed by some as a possible future president of the United States. But his accomplishments are judged differently from other American politicians. While he held the Confederate government together in nearly impossible circumstances, he was considered a traitor by those loyal to the United States. There were many Americans who believed he should have been tried for treason and hanged after the Civil War. Some advocates for Davis point to his intellect and relative skill in governing the rebel states. But his detractors note the obvious: Davis strongly believed in the perpetuation of slavery. The veneration of Jefferson Davis remains a controversial subject. Statues of him appeared throughout the south following his death, and, because of his defense of slavery, many now believe those statues should be taken down. There are also periodic calls to remove his name from public buildings and roads which had been named in his honor. His birthday continues to be celebrated in several southern states, and his presidential library opened in Mississippi in 1998. Sources Cooper, William C., Jr. Jefferson Davis, American. Alfred A. Knopf, 2000. McPherson, James M. Embattled Rebel: Jefferson Davis as Commander in Chief. Penguin Press, 2014. Strode, Hudson. Jefferson Davis: Confederate President. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1959.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Enron Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Enron - Research Paper Example The FERC required all energy merchants which operated under competitive market regimes to adhere to specific rules of operation. The rules prohibited conspiracy, manipulation, and the presentation of misleading or fake information (Public Citizen). Market manipulation as defined by the FERC included; giving of false information to transmission suppliers, wash trades, manufacture of false congestion, and conspiracy between merchants which are planned to artificially influence prices, circumstances or supply. SEC and CEOs The SEC requires CEOs of public utilities to give a certification of the truthfulness of financial reports they give. The Sec prescribes penalties of falsification of information of 10 years and 20 years for knowing and willful violations respectively. The provision may however prove to be difficult to impose since it is hard to determine if information was certified reckless or negligently as opposed to knowingly (Bumgardner). In addition a CEO making a required fina ncial restatement could be required to forfeit bonuses or profits attained from the sale of sale of company stock. The provision is however watered down by the lack of a proper definition of required and misconduct. The new law makes it possible to ban SEC violators from running public utilities even though the provision existed in earlier legislation. Stock Options The notion of stock options involves the granting of options which is dated earlier than the company granting date. The backdating of stock options makes the stock of value to the holder. Before Enron and the passage of the Sarbanes Oxley Act, companies were required to report the issue of these options to the Securities and Regulatory Commission in a maximum period of two months. This led to companies grant their options at their highs while dating it at their lows thus giving false information to investors (Kaldec). The enforcement of the Sarbanes Oxley Act now makes it harder for falsification of information since the companies are required to submit their option grants to the SEC in a maximum period of two days. Response to SOX The SOX regulations apply to all companies whose stocks trading in the US. Many executives of foreign companies have come out strongly to voice their dissatisfaction over the SOX Act while lobbying for exemption. Critics of the SOX have lambasted the SEC for punishing foreign corporations in countries which did not experience Enron type scandals (Byrnes 3-4). It also has to be observed that corporations in Asia and Europe are less likely to experience such scandals as management does not hinge so much on stock price as in the US. The Act has been criticized roundly for its potential ambiguities which would make its implementation in the various jurisdictions around the world to be cumbersome and expensive. Critics have also argued that the Act presents some uncertainties in its implementation since it may conflict with domestic legislation in foreign jurisdictions leadin g to increases in litigation costs (Lucci 8). RIAC While foreign corporations have criticized the SOX Act, the RIAC has been rather accommodating. The RIAC has acknowledged that the SOX has certain inherent ambiguities and potential difficulties in enforcement in the international arena. The RIAC has however asserted that SOX presents a very good standard on which governments the world over may come to
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